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Income Requirements


Upload Proof of Income

To complete your application, please securely upload your proof of income. Use the link below to submit your documents:

Upload Proof of Income


College Income Exemption

If you're a full-time college student, proof of income is not required under the following conditions:

  1. Upload your college transcripts.

  2. Provide evidence that you began working within 30 days of graduation.

  3. Submit an offer letter from your employer that specifies your annual salary or hourly wage and the guaranteed weekly hours.

  4. Ensure your current and future income meets our established income requirements.


Documents Accepted

Financially Free Applicants

If you have three years' worth of rent saved in a financial institution, you may bypass the income requirements by submitting a statement from your bank or financial institution showing the balance.

Income Requirements


Current Year - Most Recent Pay Stub

  • Must be less than 30 days old and include:

    • Your name

    • Pay period

    • Year-to-date (YTD) earnings

    • Employer information

  • If you’ve had multiple jobs, upload the most recent pay stub from each employer.


Previous Year(s) - Tax Returns and W-2s

  • Upload tax returns and W-2 forms for each job worked.

  • Include one pay stub from December showing:

    • Your name

    • Pay period

    • Year-to-date (YTD) earnings

  • Do not upload multiple pay stubs from different periods.


Password-Protected PDFs

We cannot open documents requiring a password. If your tax return is password-protected, take a screenshot of the page showing your annual adjusted gross income. We do not need all pages.


Cash Income

We do not accept cash income unless it is declared on your tax return.


Subsidized Income

We do not accept income from workers’ compensation, unemployment benefits, COVID-19 rent relief, Section 8, or other forms of subsidized income (except for disability benefits).


Financial Aid

  • Financial aid such as unemployment benefits or COVID-19 rent relief will not be counted as income when calculating your total income.

Income (or Cash Reserves) Requirements

To qualify, you need to show annual income or cash reserves equal to three times the annual rent. This can be from income alone, cash reserves alone, or a combination of both.


Options to Qualify

Option 1: Qualify with Income

  • To qualify with income, we require proof of gross income (or net income if self-employed) that exceeds three times the annual rent.

    • Example: If rent is $2,000/month, your annual income must exceed $73,000 (2,000 x 12 months = 24,000 x 3 = 72,000).

Option 2: Qualify with Cash Reserves

  • Applicants who are retired or do not have W-2 income can qualify by submitting a statement from a financial institution showing three years’ worth of rent in reserves.

    • Example: If rent is $2,000/month, you need at least $73,000 in cash reserves (2,000 x 12 months = 24,000 x 3 = 73,000).

Option 3: Qualify by Combining Income & Cash Reserves

  • If your income and cash reserves combined meet or exceed three times the annual rent, you will qualify.

    • Example: If rent is $2,000/month, your total income and reserves must exceed $73,000.

    • Example: $50,000 in retirement savings + $23,000 in Social Security income = $73,000 total.

No Dependents on Your Tax Return?

  • If you don’t claim dependents, you only need to show 2.5 times the rent.


Special Circumstances

Maternity Leave

  • Maternity leave does not affect income requirements, but we need to know the length of the leave.

Newly Divorced

  • If you’re newly divorced, upload your own W-2s or pay stubs. We cannot use tax returns filed jointly.

Promotion or Income Increase

  • If your income has increased, you can use the new income amount if:

    • You’ve been employed with the same employer for 12 months or more.

    • Upload:

      • Your current pay stub showing the new income.

      • An older pay stub from more than 12 months ago.



  • If you are relocating from another city or state, upload an offer letter from your new employer stating:

    • Your salary or hourly wage.

    • The hours promised.


Self-Employed & Business Owners

  • Self-Employed Applicants must upload tax returns showing net income. This net income is used to qualify.

  • Retained Earnings: If you own a business and the retained earnings don't appear on your personal tax return, you may include them by providing:

    • Corporate tax returns

    • Statement of Information

    • Articles of Incorporation

    • Bylaws


By following these guidelines and submitting the correct documentation, you’ll help ensure your application is processed quickly.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us!

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